Quality and Standards Committee
Chair: Amanda Caissie
1. Mandate
This is a standing committee of CARO. It serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors in regards to standards relating to the provision of Radiation Therapy services.
2. Objectives
To propose standards and to monitor parameters relating to the provision of Radiation Therapy services.
3. Membership
This committee consists of at least two members from the Western and Prairie Provinces, two members from Ontario, two from Quebec and one from the Atlantic Provinces.
4. Term of Office
The term of office of members is three years, following which they may be reappointed for one additional successive term on the same committee.
5. Reporting Relationships
The Standards of Care Committee reports to the Board of CARO. The Committee will provide written reports and presentations to the Board and will make a presentation to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
6. Liaisons
7. Meetings
The Committee will meet at the time of the Annual General Meeting of CARO. The Committee will conduct quarterly teleconference meetings or at the call of the Chair. A quorum shall be a majority of the members then in office.
8. Financial Arrangements
No committee member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a committee member. CARO will provide support towards Committee meetings held at the Annual General Meeting or to CARO representatives travelling on approved business that is not otherwise supported.
9. By-Laws
This Committee is governed by the By-Laws of CARO.