The Voice of a Vital Force in Cancer Treatment
About Us
Board of Directors
The Voice of a Vital Force in Cancer Treatment
We are the voice of Radiation Oncology in Canada. Radiation Oncologists are medical doctors with specialized expertise in using radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer, working together alongside medical physicists and radiation therapists to deliver quality care. As the national association for this vital profession, the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) promotes and supports professional and development training for our practitioners, public education and awareness, and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.
CARO advocates and works closely with other organizations on the provincial and national level, including the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, and the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, to promote timely access to high quality radiation therapy. Through our collective efforts, we help to continually improve the quality of Radiation Oncology services in Canada and, ultimately, ensure the best care for patients.
Internationally, CARO maintains an important reciprocal relationship with the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology, as well as the Union for International Cancer Control.
Canada broke new ground in 1951, when the world’s first cancer treatment with Cobalt-60 was performed in London, Ontario. A few days later, another cancer patient – this time in Saskatoon – received radiation therapy using Cobalt-60. At that time, Canada was the only country in the world that had Cobalt-60 radiation machines.
The creation of CARO adds another chapter and layer to the history of Radiation Oncology in Canada. CARO is the result of discussions in 1984 between the representatives to the Canadian Association of Radiologists and the Canadian Oncology Society. Subsequently, a survey of radiation oncologists in Canada found a widely held desire to strengthen and unify their voices and to improve the specialty’s Annual Scientific Meeting. In 1985, a steering committee recommended the formation of an independent Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists. A year later, CARO elected its first directors and officers, and thereafter incorporated in 1988.
Our Mission, Vision, & Values
To promote and advance:
Excellence in radiation medicine.
Interests of the profession and the public.
Interdisciplinary collaboration.
Creating a brighter future for patients and families through excellence, innovation, and collaboration.
We are committed to safe, quality, and compassionate care of our patients.
We govern our decision-making and actions on the principles of integrity, transparency, professionalism, equity, and accountability.
We foster teamwork and collaboration within CARO and between associated organizations and disciplines.
We lead and innovate in radiation oncology and mentor the next generation to become responsible and passionate advocates for our profession.
We are dedicated to optimizing the sustainability of cancer care in Canada and minimizing its effects on the health of the planet.
Promote and provide educational opportunities related to radiation oncology.
Serve as the lead organization to facilitate networking among Canadian radiation oncology professionals.
Advocacy & Promotion
Increase understanding of the value of radiation therapy as a safe and effective cancer treatment among the public, patients, and allied health professionals.
Serve as a strong voice for radiation medicine disciplines.
Access & Quality
Advocate for an optimal supply of well-trained radiation oncology professionals.
Promote work to sustain and further develop radiation treatment quality improvement initiatives and research.
Promote safe and inclusive working and training environments.
Promote equity within the Canadian radiation oncology community and support mentorship of persons in their training and careers.
Collaborate with partner organizations to enable health equity-oriented cancer care.
CARO Past Presidents
Stewart M. Jackson, British Columbia, 1987 – 1989
Bernard J. Cummings, Ontario, 1989 – 1991
Carolyn R. Freeman, Québec, 1991 – 1993
David Payne, Ontario, 1993 – 1995
John H. Hay, British Columbia, 1995 – 1997
Ida Ackerman, Ontario, 1997 – 1999
Robert G. Pearcey, Alberta, 1999 – 2001
Mary Gospodarowicz, Ontario, 2001 – 2003
Jean-Paul Bahary, Québec, 2003 – 200
Thomas A. Pickles, British Columbia, 2005- 2007
Michael Milosevic, Ontario, 2007 – 2009
Matthew Parliament, Alberta, 2009 – 2011
Andrea Bezjak, Ontario, 2011 – 2013
Ross Halperin, British Columbia, 2013 – 2015
Eric Vigneault, Québec, 2015 – 2017
Michael Brundage, Ontario, 2017 – 2019
Corinne Doll, Alberta, 2019 – 2021
Jolie Ringash, Ontario, 2021 – 2023

canadian radiation oncology foundation
Donate Today
With your support, we’re able to fund studentships through the Pamela Catton Summer Studentship Program, placing students in different Radiation Oncology centres! This program allows medical students to explore Radiation Oncology as a future career. CROF will continue to focus on supporting the younger generation of Radiation Oncologists and creating public awareness to Radiation Therapy. Click here to read more about our vision.