Education Committee

Chair: Joanne Alfieri


    1. Mandate

    The Education Committee is standing Committee of CARO. It serves to develop, enhance, co-ordinate and advise the Board of Directors on the professional development activities of the association, including liaison with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) in the Maintenance of Certification (Maincert) program.

    2. Objectives

    • To advise upon and coordinate the Association’s continuing educational (CE) activities, through liaison with the Annual Scientific Meeting Committee and educational Special Interest Groups. (The Education Committee Chair will sit on the ASM Committee)

    • To be an accredited provider of continuing professional development (CPD) in RCPSC Maincert program

    • To develop or advise upon educational activities that promote sound CPD principles.

    • To conduct needs assessment or in other ways ascertain the educational requirements of the Association’s members and provide this information to the ASM Committee

    • To advise and assist the ASM Committee in preparation for the annual scientific meeting and undertake specific tasks in preparation for the meeting as requested by the ASM Chair

    • To provide advice and assistance in the evaluation of the Annual scientific meeting and other educational activities of the Association, including development of a quality review process for ASM workshops

    • To advise the Board of CARO on CARO and Gordon Richards lecturers, in conjunction with the ASM Committee

    • To assume responsibility of the content of the Preconference Day

    • To promote and enable the development of educational Special Interest Groups within and beyond the Association

    3. Membership

    All participants must be CARO Members

    • Chair, appointed by the CARO Board of Directors

    • Regional representatives from:

      • BC x 1

      • Prairie x 1

      • Ontario x 2

      • Quebec x 2

      • Eastern Provinces x 1

    • One Residents & Fellows Committee representative

    • One medical physicist representative

    • One radiation therapist representative

    • One allied health professional (eg, nurse) representative

    • Accredited provider representative (RCPSC MOC liaison)

    • One Specialty Committee representative

    • Residents Refresher Course Chair or committee representative

    • One Website committee representative

    4. Terms of Office

    The term of office of members is three years, following which they may be reappointed for one additional successive term on the same committee. The committee should be structured so that no more than 50% of the members change at the same time. Residents will serve a one year term and are eligible for reappointment.

    5. Reporting Relationships

    The Education Committee reports to the Board of Directors of CARO. The Committee will provide written reports and presentations to the Board and provide a report for the CARO Annual General Meeting.

    6. Liaisons

    The Committee liaises with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Radiation Oncology Specialty Committee, the Annual Scientific Meeting Committee, the Residents and Fellows Committee, and the Website Committee.

    7. Meetings

    The Committee will meet three times a year via teleconference, and in person during the Annual Scientific Meeting, and more often at the discretion of the Chair. The agendas for these meetings will be set by the Chair with input from committee members and circulated at least one week in advance of the meeting.

    8. Financial Arrangements

    No committee member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a committee member. CARO-ACRO will provide support towards Committee meetings held at the Annual General Meeting or to CARO-ACRO representatives traveling on approved business that is not otherwise supported.

    9. Bylaws

    This Committee is governed by the By-Laws of CARO.

    Approved by CARO Board of Directors March 2008

Bonnie Summerfeldt

A former print magazine art director who helps other savvy professionals get more credibility and confidence online with personal branding and Squarespace websites.

Human Resources Committee


Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Indigenous Care Committee (EDIIC)