Annual Scientific Meeting Committee

Chair: Jennifer Croke


    1. Mandate

    This is standing Committee of CARO. Its purpose is to organize and plan the annual scientific meeting and to build and maintain a core of expertise in continuing education event preparation.

    2. Objectives

    The objectives of the committee with board approval are to:

    • Design, organize and implement annual scientific meeting

    • Project budget projections

    • Ensure regional representation

    • Adjudicate abstract submission and review process

    • Communicate with members appropriately

    • Develop, implement, maintain a competitive award program

    • Maintain educational quality of the program through evaluation

    • Prepare an annual report to the board

    • Conduct strategic and forward planning exercises

    • Mentor new committee members

    3. Membership

    • Chair, Incoming and Past chair

    • Chair, Education Committee

    • 2 members at large (a physicist and an RTT)

    • Representatives from organizations representing any conjoint programming

    • Other members may be identified as necessary and the group will be broadly representative of the five regions.

    • Local site co-ordinator for the upcoming program

    • The President and Secretary/Treasurer will be a corresponding member.

    The annual scientific meeting coordinator and the CARO secretariat also participate on the committee.

    4. Terms of Office

    The term of office of members is three years, following which they may be reappointed for one additional successive term on the same committee. Renewal would be at the request of the chair to allow access to particular expertise. The chair of the committee has a three year term, during which he/she will function as future chair, chair and past chair.

    5. Reporting Relationships

    The ASM Committee reports to the Board of Directors of CARO. The Committee will provide written reports and presentations to the Board at its April and September meetings and as otherwise requested.

    6. Liaisons

    7. Meetings

    The Committee will meet monthly throughout the year and at the time of the Annual General Meeting, and will conduct correspondence and teleconferences at the discretion of the chair.

    8. Financial Arrangements

    No committee member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a committee member. CARO will provide support towards Committee meetings held at the Annual General Meeting or to CARO representatives travelling on approved business that is not otherwise supported.

    9. Bylaws

    This Committee is governed by the By-Laws of CARO.

    Approved by Board of Directors October 10/07

Bonnie Summerfeldt

A former print magazine art director who helps other savvy professionals get more credibility and confidence online with personal branding and Squarespace websites.

CARO Global Oncology Committee