ACURA Advisory Group

AbbVie-CARO Uro-Oncologic Radiation Awards

Chair: Michael Kucharczyk

  • ACURA* Advisory Group
    *AbbVie–CARO Uro-Oncologic Radiation Award

    1. Mandate
    This is an advisory group of CARO. It serves to ensure the appropriate and equitable disbursement of funds provided by AbbVie Laboratories to the members defined below.

    2. Objectives

    • To develop a fair, open and equitable mechanism to disburse funds as provided by AbbVie Laboratories, for research in the area of prostate cancer.

    • To devise an annual (or as the Advisory Group decide) competition for funds. To advertise the competition to the membership of CARO

    • To determine eligibility for the award

    • To develop an appropriate schedule for the award cycle

    3. Membership
    This Advisory Group consists of five members, who are representative of the regions of Canada: British Columbia, Prairie Provinces, Ontario, Quebec and the Eastern Provinces. All categories of membership are eligible for membership. In addition AbbVie will be represented by a Research Director, to be nominated by AbbVie, who will serve as an observer. The Advisory Group members will be appointed by the President of CARO-ACRO.

    4. Terms of Office
    The term of office of members is three years, renewable.

    5. Reporting Relationships
    The ACURA Advisory Group reports to the Board of CARO. The Advisory Group will provide an annual written report to the Board and will make a presentation to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.

    6. Liaisons
    The Advisory Group will liaise with other Advisory Groups when appropriate.

    7. Meetings
    The Advisory Group will meet at the call of the Chairs, at least annually, and conduct correspondence and teleconferences at the discretion of the chairs.

    8. Financial Arrangements
    No Advisory Group member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a Advisory Group member. CARO will provide support towards Advisory Group meetings held at the Annual General Meeting or to CARO-ACRO representatives travelling on approved business that is not otherwise supported. It is expected that representatives travelling on approved business, or incurring other additional expenses will be reimbursed by AbbVie in addition to the funds provided for the competition.

    9. By-Laws

    This Advisory Group is governed by the By-Laws of CARO.


Bonnie Summerfeldt

A former print magazine art director who helps other savvy professionals get more credibility and confidence online with personal branding and Squarespace websites.

Climate Action and Sustainability Working Group