Nominating Committee

Terms of Reference

Nominating Committee

1.0      Mandate

This is a standing committee of CARO-ACRO.  It serves the membership and the Board to solicit and present candidates for elected positions or other offices within the organization.

2.0      Objectives

To encourage involvement of general members in the activities and elected positions of CARO-ACRO

  • To receive from the Secretary/Treasurer the list of positions requiring nomination by January 31 each year
  • To collaborate with regional Directors to identify individuals who would be suitable for nomination
  • To establish and maintain a process to advise members of the responsibilities of the position for election
  • To establish and maintain a process to enable members to indicate their interest and eligibility
  • To solicit nominations for elected positions
  • To ensure that the nominations meet appropriate criteria for the position and are supported by the appropriate documentation(according to the By-Laws)
  • To provide a report to the Board of Directors at the April Board Meeting
  • To present a list of nominations (there may be more than one candidate for each position) to the Secretary-Treasurer by May 31 so that the election process can be conducted in a timely fashion
  • To provide a report to the Board and to the general Membership at the Annual General Meeting

3.0      Membership

This Committee is chaired by the Past-President.  Other members will include the President-Elect and the Past Secretary/Treasurer.

4.0      Term of Office

The terms of office of members not appointed by virtue of their positions is three years following which they may be reappointed for one additional successive term on the same committee.

5.0      Reporting Relationships

The Nominating Committee reports to the Board of Directors of CARO.  The Committee will provide written reports and presentations to the Board and will provide a report and presentation to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.

6.0      Liaisons

The Committee will liaise with the Regional Directors, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Resident and Fellow Director, and directly with potential candidates from the general membership.

7.0      Meetings

The Committee will communicate by teleconference or electronic communication.

The Committee will meet at the time of the Annual General Meeting.  A quorum shall be a majority of the members then in office.

8.0      Financial Arrangements

No Committee member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a committee member.

CARO will provide support towards Committee meetings held at the Annual General Meeting or in support of the interim communications.

9.0      By-Laws

This Committee is governed by the By-Laws of CARO.




Board Approval 24OCT02

Membership Approval 25OCT02