Membership Committee

Terms of Reference


1.       Mandate

This is a standing committee of CARO responsible for the development of the association’s membership at large, including full and associates.

2.       Objectives

  • Review the membership categories
  • Review membership privileges
  • Review the obligations associated with the membership
  • Develop membership recruitment drives and develop incentives for membership

3.       Membership

The Committee will be chaired by a CARO Board member. Other membership will include one (1) additional CARO Board member, two (2) Radiation Oncologists at large, one (1) physicist, one (1) Radiation Therapist and one (1) Resident/Fellow member (Non-CARO board members in order to allow for a broader voice from associated disciplines and different regions of the country.)

The membership committee will propose the names of potential new members or any withdrawals from the committee to the CARO board. CARO board will make the final recommendation for any such new appointments and or withdrawals.

4.       Terms of Office

The term of office of members of all committees shall commence with the announcement of their appointment at the annual general meeting .The term of office of the members not appointed by virtue of their positions is three years. The terms of the chair, and the regional directors are linked to their appointments as CARO regional directors and will be two years.

Members may be reappointed for only one additional successive term at the discretion of the CARO board.

5.       Reporting Relationships

The Membership Committee reports to the Board of CARO. The Committee will provide an annual written report to the Board prior to the annual meeting, which should include, but not be limited to reporting net growth in membership figure.

6.       Liaisons

The Committee will liaise with other committees when appropriate.

7.       Meetings

The Committee will meet at the call of the Chair, at least annually at the time of the annual general meeting, and conduct correspondence and teleconferences at the discretion of the chair.

8.       Quorum

A quorum shall be a majority of the Committee’s members.

9.       Financial Arrangements

No committee member shall be remunerated for being or acting as a committee member. CARO will provide support towards Committee meetings held at the Annual General Meeting or to CARO representatives travelling on approved business that is not otherwise supported. It is expected that major projects will be financed by outside sponsorship.

10.   By-Laws

This Committee is governed by the By-Laws of CARO